Helm.ai to Introduce Deep Teaching at AUVSI’s XPONENTIAL

Deep Teaching’s Potential for Automation Extends Beyond Automotive

2 min readSep 30, 2020

Helm.ai’s Deep Teaching methodology represents a fundamentally different approach to AI which extends well beyond its core use today in self-driving vehicles.

Helm.ai’s scalable approach to building AI software allows training neural networks on huge datasets without annotation or simulation, resulting in higher levels of robustness and generalization than achievable with traditional approaches. Moreover, Deep Teaching can be applied to sensor data of any environment, including applications beyond land-based navigation. Described by Forbes as the ‘Android Of Self-Driving Cars’, Helm.ai is building an AI for multiple trillion-dollar markets that is rooted in unsupervised learning, which is 100,000x more capital-efficient than traditional AI approaches. Applications of Deep Teaching range from autonomous driving, to drones and consumer robots and even retail checkout. It is with an eye to the skies that we’ll be attending and sponsoring XPONENTIAL 2020, taking place (virtually) next week from October 5–8.

Hosted by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), the world’s largest nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of unmanned systems and robotics, XPONENTIAL is regarded as the world’s largest event for unmanned and autonomous systems. Bringing together trailblazers from energy to transportation and construction to defense, the event serves as a mecca for unmanned vehicle users, technologists and policymakers to collaborate on discuss new concepts, share experiences and foster new partnerships.

XPONENTIAL is known to attract some of the most promising companies and organizations in the industry and this year’s event promises a roster of notable speakers including keynotes from:

  • Dr. Robert Ballard — President, Ocean Exploration Trust, and Director, Center for Ocean Exploration
  • James Burgess — CEO, Wing (an Alphabet Company)
  • Mark Blanks — Director, Virginia Tech Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership
  • Tim Gallaudet, Ph.D., USN Ret. — Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Deputy Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
  • Dr. Cara E. LaPointe — Co-Director, Institute for Assured Autonomy, Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
  • Desiree Matel-Anderson — Chief Wrangler, Field Innovation Team (FIT)
  • Dr. Marc Raibert — Founder and Chairman, Boston Dynamics
  • Lt. Gen. Duke Z. Richardson — Military Deputy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, United States Air Force
  • Brian Wynne — President and CEO, AUVSI
  • Keenan Wyrobek — Founder, Head of Product & Engineering, Zipline

We’ll be taking the opportunity to connect with potential partners to learn more about their approaches to unmanned vehicles and look forward to exploring ways in which Deep Teaching can help them advance their roadmaps. Stay tuned here for updates, or register here to experience the conference from the comforts of your own home.




Written by Helm.ai

Helm.ai is building the next generation of AI technology for automation.

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