Reddit AMA w/ CEO Vlad Voroninski — Friday, 6/26, 9a-2p PT
Ask’s Vlad Voroninski Anything on Reddit About Autonomous Driving, Neural Networks, Deep Teaching, and beyond!
Curious about the latest and greatest advances in autonomous driving, neural networks and artificial intelligence?
We hope you join us in Reddit’s /IAMA this Friday, 6/26 from 9am — 2pm PT for an Ask Me Anything session with CEO and co-founder, Vlad Voroninski.
A prize-winning neural network theorist and a member of MIT’s Mathematics faculty before co-founding, Vlad is going to talk about our just-announced “Deep Teaching” methodology for neural networks.
We believe Deep Teaching represents a major breakthrough in unsupervised learning technology, with far-reaching implications for the future of computer vision — not just for autonomous driving, but aviation, robotics, manufacturing and even retail.
However, we know there are some technologists who are skeptical with our approach, and so we want to give them (and everyone else) a chance to ask us anything.
As proof for our methodology, we’re sharing a video showing Deep Teaching applied to a self-driving road test under multiple weather conditions, on a steep and winding road.
We’re excited to see your questions and hope you join us then!